With due respect to the Grateful Dead and their 1977 song release, “What a long strange trip it’s been;” 2021 has certainly been strange but really not all that long.
Seems like the older you get, the faster time flies by. Of course, there are several other things which change as we age; one of which is having to get up more often in the middle of the night to pee. Then again, it seems like once you get “there,” the “little guy” ain’t ready yet. “Hey, you’re the one who got me up!”
And then there’s that forgetfulness. For whatever reason, I can remember my driver’s license number when I lived in Jersey almost 20 years ago (D4034 40700 07532) and even my home phone when I was young, but I blank out at times when I have to remember someone’s name who I’ve known forever.
I can’t believe it’s already December but sure would like to put 2021 behind me as fast as I can. As most of you are aware, I’ve spent the majority of ’21 fighting that awful c-word. I think I’m winning but still have a little bit to go to assure it doesn’t come back. And speaking of having to awake more in the middle of the night, it appears that the “chemo poison” they shoot into you forces more “middle of the night awakenings.” Whatever. As long as it’s doing its job.
Anyway, this will be my last Blog… no not exactly “the last Blog,” but the last for the year. Yeah, I know, there are two more weeks left in December, but as I’ve done in previous years, I’m going to take the last two weeks of the year off and spend those trying to re-energize myself. I have to admit that my energy level has been down this year and I’ve missed going to a lot of races I’d normally attend. But I think anyone who has been through what I’ve experienced this year can understand. One of the best pieces of advice I received during my treatments was, “If you talk to someone who has never personally gone through chemo treatments and they tell you how bad it can be, don’t bother listening to them. Everyone is different and it affects different people in different ways.”
As for me, once they got my dosages at the correct levels, I’ve had good and bad days. Although the bad days were more annoying than anything because my energy level was down. As anyone knows me, I’m a workaholic. The doctor asked me one day, “How many hours do you work a week?” To which I asked him, “How many hours are there in a week?”
Along with missing races this year, I also missed the PRI Trade Show last week which is the first one I’ve missed in 30+ years. Thankfully my wife and son manned our booth there and from what they tell me, the place was packed every day. Oh sure, there were some notable companies missing, but overall, it sounded like a great show. If you attended, what were your thoughts of the Show?
And thank you to the many who stopped by and commented how much they enjoy reading these Blogs. A heartfelt thank you for your support! If you don’t receive the Blog each week in your email inbox, visit www.dragracingactiononline.com where you can sign up to receive it each week, free of charge.
So good bye ’21 and hello ’22. I wish each of you have a great Christmas season, remembering what the day is all about, a joyful New Years and a really better new year with lots of win lights.