PDRA Crowns 2021 Champs

Story and Photos Phil Hutchison
After a record setting season, the Professional Drag Racers Association (PDRA) crowned the 2021 champions Friday night of the PRI Show in Indianapolis.
PDRA Race Director Tyler Crossnoe got the evening started leading into master of ceremonies and official PDRA announcer Derrick Beach introducing each class winner starting from Top Jr Dragster champ Rowan Parlett (who gave one of the best speeches of the evening) to Pro Nitrous winner Jim Halsey.
In addition Troy and Shawne Russell received the yearly PDRA Award and Drag Illustrated Editor in Chief Nate Van Wagnen getting the 2021 Brian Olsen award.
Also receiving awards were, Top Sportsman racer Stacy Hall for Driver of the Year in addition to aforementioned Rowan Parlett selected Sportsman Driver of the Year and former Junior champ, Alyssa Rabon taking home the “Junior” Driver of the Year award.