I think you’ll agree with me in saying this has been a hell of a year for me. Back in January or so when new owners bought the Drag Racing Edge magazine title, we were not able to come to terms together for me to stay on as editor. I wrote back in March, “Allow me to speak about something which is very dear to my heart because of the passion I’ve had in its building, a slight change if you will. I will no longer be involved with Drag Racing Edge magazine.”

And so that ended my involvement although I’ve continued my weekly Blogs always looking for a new “home” of sorts for them. The thought was to build a new website similar to what we had but I can tell you that’s harder than it appears.

Then came late April for me and God had a plan. A sort of gut punch which included that treaded “c” word. Just a little update on that… Surgery went well, they claim they got it all but you still have to go through treatments to assure there are no little buggers floating around somewhere in your body. That’s where I’m at now. So far, other than some side effects, I’m working through it. But that has put a delay in my plans from earlier in the year. As for God’s plan, I’m not sure I would have had the time or energy to produce a magazine during this period, although the one thing I have been good at is getting a job done, somehow, someway.

Anyway, as for the new website, thankfully, fellow shooter Phil Hutchison has taken some of the day-to-day work in getting the new website up and running, stocked full of stories. We rolled it out about a month ago – www.dragracingactiononline.com – and; Phil sometimes more than myself; we’ve been stocking it full of much of the same news content we previously had. I invite you to take a look at it and let me know what you think.

Between Phil and myself, we have spent a lot of time tweaking the site to make it look inviting, but I don’t think I need to apologize for some of my lack of energy or drive to really roll it out in the fashion it needs. My first priority is my health, family and business, which of course, health has to come first.

Now it’s time to monetize the site with ad revenue, a necessary ingredient to making the world go around. If you should know someone interested, please have them contact myself – johnd@dragracingactiononline.com or Carmen Price carmen.price1@aol.com – and we’ll be sure to help you out.

All that being said… Last week’s Blog where I referenced the seemingly low attendance of Super Gas versus any other class got a fair amount of attention in my Inbox. Most all agreed with my comments with a whole host of ideas as to how to improve the lot. The problem is that most all of these ideas often aren’t directed at the right people and when they are; often fall on deaf ears. I don’t think I need to point any fingers as most will understand who I’m talking about.

As you know, like a lot of us, we have a strong passion for this sport and I, along with many others, have been in this business for a long time. We may not have all the answers but often when we see the sport moving in a direction we don’t feel is vital to its existence, we often take offense. If you have ideas, speak up, but direct it to the right people. There may be things happening behind the scenes we don’t know about, but communication is key regardless. We may not want to hear the whys or hows, but at the very least, give us the respect to hear the truth.

Okay, rant over. Your turn.