Mid Atlantic .90 Series to expand in 2023

Drag Racing Action Online Images Rob Keister and Phil Hutchison
When the word .90 racing is mentioned to racers in the Northeast at first, they think of the Lucas Oil Divisional Series but, after that, most mention the Mid Atlantic .90 Series. The series which was formed in the early 1990’s as NESGA & The Competition Photos Super Comp Series has grown leaps & bounds over the past 3 decades. Now marketed as the Mid Atlantic .90 Series, the series will expand again for the 2023 season as the Mid Atlantic Super Series.
The series which will now feature the Top 32 Challenge & Junior Dragsters at select events along with the .90 classes of Super Comp, Gas, and Street to better market to tracks & sponsors. Asked about the expansion for this year series president Rob Keister had to say, “We all know gas prices are an issue, racers don’t want to travel far due to those costs, we wanted to give them an alternative series to run in and feel appreciated. In today’s age of independent promoters, tracks are looking for the best bang for their buck to give away a prime weekend to make money to keep the lights on as the expenses for these tracks have almost doubled in the past 20 years. With bringing more cars to a facility over a 2-day weekend, it is offering more racers to partake in racing, win good money and get the feel of what the .90 racers have been cheering about for so long now.”
In 2023,the series will hit three of the major NHRA tracks in the Northeast; Maple Grove Raceway, Atco Dragway & Cecil County Dragway. We asked four-time PDRA Champ & Cecil County Track owner Jim Halsey of his thoughts on the series “I’m excited, something new being brought to the plate. I love watching any type of racing and I’m excited to see some fast Door Slammer vs Dragster action and glad to see them visit twice this year.”
The Top 32 Series will be a 6-race series over 6 weekends counting your best 4 results for those who have signed up for membership which is only $80. Entry will be $200 ($100 to track & $100 to series) for the purse which at 32 cars will be $1,750 plus sponsorship. Qualifying will take place on Saturday to set the fields as we will take the fastest 16 Top Sportsman & 16 Dragsters to run for the cash on Sunday. For those who don’t make the 16-car field we will run a consolation race for no additional cost to what was already paid in for the weekend. Those racers will run for a separate purse on Sunday alongside the Top 32 qualified racers. At the end of the night the winner of TS will run the winner in TD for the overall purse. This will all be competed on the 1/8-mile distance for this series & Juniors only.
The Junior Series will be contested at 6 events over 3 weekends counting a racer’s best 4 events for the overall title. To sign up for points it is only $50 and entry into the events will mostly be $50 ($20 to track & $30 to pot) for Maple & Cecil and $60 at the season finale at Atco ($30 to track & $30 to pot). The age groups will be split from 6-8, 9 to 12 & 13-17 and will go on a ladder at 8 cars combined so only having one winner. Thanks to Rich Preiser Racing an additional $100 will be thrown up to the winner and at 32 cars the winner would take home $500 for the win.
The series kicks off at Atco Dragway the weekend before the PC Richards National Open Series on April 29th & 30th and will feature the .90 cars, Top 32 Shootout along with some Atco Specialty classes of Juniors, Junior Street, No Box & Door slammers. The Juniors in April will be part of Atco’s points series and not Mid Atlantic Junior series. the Series then moves to Cecil County on May 20th & 21st as all 6 classes will be featured that weekend for the first time. After taking June off the series really heats up with the 3rd Annual Dave Stine Memorial at Maple Grove July 22-23 that is always a great time with live bands, BBQs, and big money to be won. That weekend will also feature all 6 classes and a TBA announced class soon.
The series then heads back to Atco for the ever-popular event the weekend before the Lucas Race that will feature the .90 cars, Top 32 Shootout, East Coast Stock/SS Series & a double bracket series event both days on July 29 – 30.
Heading into August, the Top 32 Challenge gets its first taste of the 30th Annual Uncle Buck Pig Roast at Cecil that will feature .90 & Top 32 Challenge on August 12th & 13th along with the AMC Day on Saturday. The series wraps up back where it began at Atco Dragway on September 23rd & 24th where it will have Juniors, Top 32 Challenge & .90 along with the East Coast Stk / SS Series where all the 2023 champs will be crowned that weekend.
For more information, you can contact Rob Keister at 856-332-2851 or BKSG1198@gmail.com or find more information on the website – www.midatlantic90.org or Instagram or Facebook.
2023 Mid Atlantic Super Series Schedule
- April 29th & 30th – 5th Annual North vs. South Shootout- Atco
Classes – .90, Top 32 Challenge (Weekly Series: Juniors *Non Points*, Doorslammers, No Box)
- May 20th & 21st – 15th Annual Sportsman Circuit Shootout – Cecil
Classes – .90, Top 32 Challenge, Juniors
- July 22nd & 23rd – 3rd Annual Dave Stine Memorial – Maple Grove
Classes – **.90, Top 32 Challenge, Juniors, Class TBA
Non-Points Event for .90 Classes
- July 29th & 30th – 11th Annual Northeast Shootout – Atco
Classes – .90, Top 32 Challenge (Weekly Series: Double Bracket Event & East Coast Stk/SS Series)
- August 12th & 13th – 30th Annual Uncle Buck Pig Roast – Cecil
Classes – .90, Top 32 Challenge (AMC Day on Sat)
- September 23rd & 24th – Mid Atlantic .90 Fall Finale & Championship Weekend – Atco
Classes – .90, Top 32 Challenge, Juniors (Weekly: East Coast Stk/SS Series)