2024 World of Wheels Spins Into Pittsburgh

Photos and story by John McCartney
When the month of January rolls around in the Steel City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania you can count on several things. A cold breeze coming in from the famous three rivers, and the annual World of Wheels coming to the David Lawrence Convention Center located right near that very same three rivers. The 63rd Annual Max Motive World of Wheels presented by O’Reilly Auto Parts once again brought together another great selection of cars from all years of automotive greatness.
Peter Toundas and his ISCA (International Show Car Association) staff work hard getting all the best cars to come out and be on display during the run of the show. From customs, muscle cars both classic and modern eras, hot rods, race cars, custom motorcycles, imports and exotics were all there just waiting to be checked out. Famous rapper and show man Flavor Flav could be found at the show taking with fans about his time in the music industry.
This year’s edition of World of Wheels had a very special display which drew record numbers of fans each and every day during the three day run of the show. That display was titled Five Generations From Gotham City, a display which featured an outstanding collection of Batmobiles. From the collection of TV Showcars came Batmobiles from the sixties up until the Batmobile from the Justice League movie. While all the Batmobiles drew fans of all ages and backgrounds it was two cars that seemed to attract just a few more fans. Those two cars being the original sixties Batmobile which was used back in the day on the car show scene to promote the show. The second to attract crowds was the Tumbler from the Batman movie which was filmed right on the streets of Pittsburgh everyone seemed to have a story about seeing that car going thru the streets while the movie was filmed. One thing is for sure no matter what age or where you come from everyone is attracted to the Batman series whether it be from the tv show or the movies everyone loves the Batman. In fact, on Saturday of the show folks could have their photo with taken with Batman, Robin and Batgirl look alikes much to the delight of all in attendance.
Once again, the Max Motive World of Wheels presented by O’Reilly Auto Parts proved to be a big hit during its three day run at the David Lawrence Convention Center. No doubt Peter and his ISCA staff are hard at work putting together a plan to make the 64th World of Wheels even bigger and better for all that come out and take part in the show. Take time to check out the World of Wheels webpage for the most current information on shows that are still coming up this year and then check back with the most current info on 2025 shows.
For more of John’s images from the show, go to