Hot Rodding Culture – Texas Style

Photos and Text – Mashie Mihalko
The 20th annual Lonestar Roundup was held in Austin,Texas. The two day event had 1500 plus 1963 and older traditional hot rods and customs filling the Travis County Expo Center. This ol’ skool gathering is hosted by an Austin City Car Club,The Kontinentals. The cars, trucks, and spectators come from throughout the United States and foreign countries. A giant indoor swap meet, variety of vendors, car corral, and plenty of rock-a-billy music and other genres are the reasons the Expo Center is packed with large crowds.
There were also activities each evening after the car show closed with cruising the city streets and gathering at the local eateries and bars for more live music. For those unable to attend Lonestar Roundup 2023 just circle April 19, 20 in 2024 for next year’s happening.
For more of Mashie’s images from Texas, please to to: