I guess last week’s Blog must have made the hair stand up on the back of the necks of some people. Most of it all realizing and agreeing with the inadequacies of the system. If you missed reading, hit https://dragracingactiononline.com/category/blog/.
I do have to admit that inspecting cars can be a tough job, one I wouldn’t want. It was quite a long time ago, when I was a regular at Island Dragway in New Jersey. At one of their big races, the line for tech inspection was rather long. The track’s long-time Tech guy was Duke Snyder who really understood the process and the rules. As the line grew larger, he approached me about helping out in Tech. Things went rather well until I encountered a car which used typical water pipe and welded elbows for a roll bar. I explained that wasn’t legal to which the gentleman replied, “I’m a certified welder and I know how to build cars.”
Okay, but I didn’t want to have my name signed to his Tech Card when I knew it wasn’t legal or safe. I think it was shortly after that when I “resigned” from my job as a Tech Inspector.
There have been countless lawsuits arising from racers who were injured or lost their lives at a track. In this litigious society we live in today, just about any injury can bring out in the open a myriad of attorneys just looking for reason to sue. Oftentimes they win and it sets a precedent for future claims. I question how an organization like the NHRA can allow for such a loophole to not enable proper tech inspection. But what do I know? I’m certainly not an attorney nor do I know the inner workings of the organization.
I do know; or at least I believe; that should even the most frivolous of lawsuits make its way before a judge and jury, there is a chance for a settlement, which again sets a precedent, one in which attorneys can use in the future to argue their own cases.
Does this mean that the next time I show up at the track with one of my cars, I can expect to get a thorough looking over? I hope not, but I do feel it’s in my best interest to be as safe as I can, which means having all of at least my safety equipment up to date and specs. Regardless of someone telling me I “have to” have a certain item, I’ll think of my own safety and hopefully wear it first.
What about you?
This week also marks the PRI Trade Show and the first one I’ve missed in probably 30 years or so. My wife and son will be there representing us in Booth 939, so if you’re going, please stop by and say hello.
Reason I’m not attending personally is that I have to go through 28 straight days of radiation, Monday through Friday, so I’m a bit “tied up.” I am feeling okay, getting through this portion of my life pretty good, I think. Just need to get past it and back to normal. Docs say it’s just temporary so I’m praying they’re right. As of now, I’m beginning to get my energy level back which I’m thankful for, but I will miss seeing so many of you at PRI. I really enjoyed the Show when it was in Florida, not so much in the cold of Indy, but so much for that.