I guess I may have hit a nerve with last week’s Blog – https://dragracingactiononline.com/2021/11/i-told-you-so/ – with regards to some thinking I was knocking the very timing systems we all have to rely on. No, that’s wasn’t my intention, but my Inbox was full with comments. What I merely wanted to point out was there are sometimes instances that may be out of our control, yet we still have to live with those consequences.
Along with that, if you’re having an inconsistent problem with your car and it’s happening at a lot of different tracks, then by all means, the problem is most likely your car, something you should deal with and fix. Don’t look to point a finger at something else. However, I have noticed over my years of racing where sometimes you can have an inconsistency problem at one track yet no where else. I don’t have an answer as to why that happens as it could be a multitude of reasons.
In speaking with Allison Doll of Port-A-Tree, we discussed my concern over incoming voltages and how they can affect the timing system. She remarked that most timing systems rely on low voltage power transformers, meaning they operate on voltages in the 12 to 24-voltage range. This means that should the incoming voltage to a race track be less than the ideal 120 volts, it wouldn’t matter. My example last week of my incandescent light bulbs dimming may not hold water. She also revealed that should the incoming voltage drop; it will usually cause other issues. So much for that.
Once again though, I still stand by my theories that if you’re having an inconsistent problem, don’t hesitate to check with others, but don’t forget to look yourself in the mirror and make an attempt to fix your car.
On another subject, I’ve been noticing some questioning the maybe lack of or declining sportsmanship; if you want to call it that; in our sport. This in regards to some people attempting to play starting line games as a way to get into the heads of their opponents. I don’t believe it’s a wide-spread sort of thing but it does happen. Is that damaging to the future of the sport? I don’t know. What are your thoughts? While some of these things are happening on the bracket side of the fence, what’s to stop it from eventually transferring to other classes as well? Or is it even a concern?
Let’s face it, it’s getting harder to win these days. Everyone can seemingly cut a good light and our cars are more consistent today than they ever were. So how does one gain some sort of advantage? Maybe by so-called trash-talking. Obviously “talking trash” can be a stretch of terminology when we’re around running engines, but I think you get the idea. However, why is it no different than any other sport? Michael Jordon, Muhammad Ali, Larry Bird, Mike Tyson; they’re all known to talk “trash” towards their opponents from time to time. It’s their style. Now of course, they were being paid millions to produce, but does that make it any different?
Actually, I believe that in that respect, drag racing is rather serene. We’ve all heard stories of competitors helping one another when someone has a problem. But once the helmet goes on and the engine started, it’s every man for himself.
A couple of months ago I broached the subject of a shot clock in drag racing which may tend to force people to stage faster. I don’t know how that could ever come to fruition in our sport but it brings up a point. This practice of taking longer to stage creates its own problems. Forgetting the fact of it being annoying amongst the competitors, it tends to lengthen a day of racing if everyone does it.
As I asked earlier, what’s your thoughts? A lot of questions and maybe no real answers.